Athens, GA Roofing Services

(706) 612-3915

A Roofing Company
You Can Trust


Meet some of the incredible people who make up our team. They work hard to make sure you have the best roofing services possible.

Dusty Guest

The founder of Alumni Roofing and Gutters, Llc

“As a company our customers are our number one priority. As a man, God and family are my number one priorities. “Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else shall be added unto you.” I have an amazing wife and a perfect baby boy that we have been blessed with.”

Jake Walden

Aside from roofing, Jake is a youth pastor and active member of his church. He genuinely loves to help people and believes in putting in the work and doing things right the first time.

Aaron Vaughn

New roof? New gutters? Whatever the case may be. We are on your side through the entire process! My peers and myself take pride in our work, and we won’t stop working until the job is done right.

“Anyone can install a new roof on your home, but no one can match our level of customer service and quality!”

We do it right, every ‘shingle’ time!

Our Story So Far

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Sed risus nisi, eleifend eget elementum egestas, imperdiet sed mauris. Aenean ut tristique arcu, sit amet tempus nisl. Nullam sagittis mattis ipsum, non viverra arcu. Vivamus blandit metus eu scelerisque maximus. Aenean erat lacus, eleifend quis dignissim ut, lacinia bibendum orci. Maecenas at dolor diam. Quisque convallis magna quam, at euismod lorem placerat quis. Fusce venenatis sit amet purus eu ornare. Aliquam maximus efficitur erat, vitae tempor erat scelerisque id.

Contact Us


847 Shoal Creek Rd.
Colbert, GA 30628


Call Us

(706) 612-3915